भारतीय मतदाता का स्वागत है

मोशी अभियान के माध्यम से आप मतदाताओं का पहला मंच आपके समक्ष प्रस्तुत है। ये मंच भारतीय मतदाता को या यूँ कहें कि प्रत्येक भारतीय को राजनीतिज्ञों तथा राजतीतिक विचारकों से व्यवस्थित संवाद का एक अवसर प्रदान करता है। इस अभियान का नेतृत्व आप सभी मतदाता के हांथों में है और इस अभियान में आपके प्रतिनिधि एक आभासी व्यक्ति महोदय मोशी हैं। मोशी अभियान को सुचारु रूप से चलाने के लिए मोशी आंदोलन नामक एक संस्था बनाई गयी है। ये संस्था देश में सामाजिक, राजनीतिक, आर्थिक एवं आध्यात्मिक रचनात्मक विचारों एवं कार्य प्रणालियों के माध्यम से एक परिवर्तन के युग का आरम्भ करने को कटिबद्ध है।

Political experiment begins!

Manifesto Analysis Tool (MAT)!

Friends, have you ever seen and analyzed a manifesto of any political party? Please be honest, NO! I’m sure in the last 70-years of Indian politics you’d have not seen active analysis of any manifesto. My team has developed a tool and a supporting process for analyzing manifesto points of the ruling political party on yearly basis.

Moshy’s Global Program

Moshy’s Global Program

Moshy Mission says when individuals of different continents, countries, religions share same emotions, habits and values then why do we have virtual boundaries separating us? Objective of the Moshy Mission is to enable global society work collectively for a secured and happy eco system.

Moshy Gaon

Moshy Gaon

Villages are important fibers of the Moshy Mission fabric. Mission’s 4 manifesto points are discussed with Panchayats and once these panchayats embrace the Moshy’s manifesto points then the specific village(gaon) is named after the mission – Moshy Gaon.

mr moshy

Mathura Prototype

A prototype of this new framework was carried out in Mathura city of Uttar Pradesh, India in the year 2019. The city gave a tight hug to the campaign and extended their unprecedented support.

Moshy Cupshup

Moshy manages his news channel, wherein he, being citizen’s representative, conducts many interesting shows on different sociopolitical topics.

Moshy Ecosys

This program has been designed to induct new social leaders that are identified in different villages/cities. The programs covers all the critical points of the mission. This training ensures a smooth induction of a new member, as part of the ecosystem.

Game – Make Your Cabinet (MyC™)

There’re interesting games, developed for youngsters, to understand political practices and processes. These games follow the Edutainment model that makes learning fun. These games are available online and offline – designed for schools and colleges.


Although the mission is new and has been tested out within a small number of Indian citizens. However, the result emerged out of this small yet intense prototype has been extremely encouraging. Mission visited the Kumbh at Allahabad and met with the spiritual gurus to understand their interpretation of the vision of the mission. Mission also met with media professional to learn their interpretations and perspectives


Moshy Mission respects the strength of PIL that offers a strong process to us participate constructively in different socio -political program as contributor for building a secured and happy society.


A Quiz was organized for young voters/citizens of Agra -Mathura cities in April 2019. The team is committed to develop a constructive and happy eco system for new generations to grow in. A positive eco system removes negative mind sets that propel only violence and stress. These contests are designed to enable youngsters learn creative solutions processes to answer all visible and invisible challenges.

Moshy Banner_8-Jan-2019

Indian Political experiment begins!

Friends, have you ever seen and analyzed a manifesto of any political party? Please be honest, NO! I’m sure in the last 70-years of Indian politics you’d have not seen active analysis of any manifesto. My team has developed a tool and a supporting process for analyzing manifesto points of the ruling political party on yearly basis. How can we get our country back on track? How to preserve our Constitution and get people value and honor it? All this core questions have been evolving in our minds for years.

first meeting

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