Digital Band
It is 70 years we have been practicing democracy. We have mastered it in the process in the last 7 decades, however, there’s one point that we ignored in the journey and this is about being open for change. Being disagree to someone’s point of view is a native right of an individual, however, the method of expression has not been changed with time. Market Shut Down is a common practice to express disagreement. But our incompetence of managing the grey does not allow us to act for the benefit of the country. In spite of enough data in hand, we don’t hesitate doing such non-productive practice that goes against the country.
Our stiff neck attitude has deteriorated the situation many steps down. Today, such bands damage public properties and interfere daily life of a common man.
We think that by disturbing public life will help us derive higher benefits of a band. Moshy has a discrete view. As per Moshy, the objective of band is to support NO COMMUNICATION attitude with the individual/body a group disagrees. It is more of shut down of communication process and personal or business deal.
Today we should use digital platform which is wider in reach and effective. This is the reason Moshy offers its platform to political parties for calling a band.