About Moshy Mission

Indian democracy celebrates more than 70 years uninterrupted presence in the country. There’re some intrinsic questions that these voters have been grappling with, all these years. Moshy Mission tries answering these questions by enabling the citizens.

The ingredients of the mission offer a solution, which has been tested critically. The solution proposes a robust work model, processes, policies, practices and a strong team. A digital platform has been identified for implementing the mission. The mission redefines democracy by giving it a new avatar, which is more realistic and visible.

About Moshy Mission
About Moshy Mission

The digital platform is the first dedicate dais designed and gifted to the voters/citizens for initiating a positive dialogue with the office bearers of our political system. Moshy – a virtual yet soulful character – descends as a collective voice of 910 million voters, as their representative, to work for them.

The objective of the mission is to empower people for playing a decisive role in building the community and the country. They are enabled to work collectively for finding realistic solutions to their problems within a cohesive and positive environment.